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Interview with the Author

Describe your desk

My desk is everywhere. My desk is wherever I decide to write or sketch. My desk is more or so any place I feel comfortable to just let my imagination run wild.


Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?

I grew up all over the place. We constantly moved but we always stayed in Maryland and somewhat close to other family members. I think it influences my writing in the sense that I have always wanted to travel and be one with the world. I want to explore life in a way that maybe my other family members might not. It influences my writing because I love to dream about things beyond what my eyes see.


What's the story behind your latest book?

It was a spur o the moment thing that turned into more of a personal goal. I just sat down one day and started writing and then a paragraph turned into a book. It wasn't planned but it was severely loved.


What motivated you to become an indie author?

I didn't want to spend my time waiting for something that might not happen. I wanted to be in control and make sure that my book was still my book. I became an indie author because I believed that I could create what I wanted to create instead of sort of going with the grain with everything. I wanted to take a unique approach to things.


What is the greatest joy of writing for you?

Being able to let your mind run free. I love that concept. Your body can be trapped but you can let your mind wander. There are so many possibilities. You want to write about unicorn fish that survives off of glitter and chicken nuggets? Then you go ahead and write about that unicorn fish.


What are you working on next?

A LOT. I bounce from project to project along with juggling school. Who knows what's next? Who knows? I think that's what's fun. The suspense.


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